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Whole-of-society approach in implementing of the GBF and achieving nature positive vision: Public-private collaboration

Big Room

This event, led by SITRA - the Finnish Innovation Fund, will showcase concrete tools put in place by Finnish companies, complemented by high-level international commentaries.

The objective of the side-event is to present a concrete case study of Whole- of-society approach to implementing of the GBF and thereby to the Nature positive vision. As a small, Nordic country, Finland has a long tradition in close cooperation between private and public sectors, as well as non-governmental organisations, youth and IPLCs.

This collaborative approach is now being applied to the implementation of the GBF. The side-event would show-case the initial outputs of the approach to serve as one example on how to achieve the Nature positive vision.

The current Government Programme of Finland (2023) provides a political level commitment to review and update our Finnish national biodiversity strategy and action plan (NBSAP). The side-event will present concrete tools that have been developed so far, such as company-level biodiversity footprinting, biodiversity roadmaps of industry associations, and capacity building in the financial sector for nature related disclosures.

To put the Finnish efforts into a comparative context, we will hear from commentary from the CEO of the Business for Nature coalition (tbc.) and from the Chief Economist of IUCN.

Event outline:

Opening remarks
• Mr. Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Climate and the Environment, Finland, (tbc).

High-level remarks

• Ms. Eva Zabey, CEO of Business for Nature (tbc.)

Panel discussion on the role of the private sector in implementing the GBF and achieving the nature positive vision. Panelists:

– Dr. Juha Siikamäki, Chief Economist, IUCN
– NN. from global south (pending agreement)
– Ms. Salla Sulasuo, Head of Sustainable Transformation, Paulig Group
– Ms. Ulla Heinonen, Director, Confederation of Finnish Industries

Session will be moderated by Dr. Outi Haanperä, Project Director, Sitra