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Setting and validating corporate science-based targets for nature

Big Room

Science Based Targets Network - SBTN presents how companies can use SBTN’s technical guidance to measure and address their materials impacts on nature, the outcomes of a year-long validation pilot, and the Accountability Accelerator plans to validate targets.

In May 2023, SBTN launched its first target-setting methods. Alongside the launch, an initial group of target-setting companies kicked off a pilot to test the validation process. Through this pilot, SBTN gained an understanding of opportunities to improve the validation process. As a result, SBTN opted for a mid-term independent validation model (2024-2026) to be led by the Accountability Accelerator (the Accelerator).
As part of the preparation work to launch the validation service, the Accelerator has been selecting and training new validators, working with Deloitte on the development of a Validation Platform to enable a safe and robust submission and validation process, and following best practice guidance from ISEAL on governance and assurance.