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Cultivating Change: Scaling Nature-Positive Agriculture and Ranching for Biodiversity and Climate

Big Room

The Nature Conservancy proudly presents "Cultivating Change: Scaling Nature-Positive Agriculture and Ranching for Biodiversity and Climate".

This session showcases the power of food systems transformation towards nature-positive agriculture and ranching to address biodiversity loss, climate change, and challenges in conventional food production systems, and invites participants to engage in strategies for systemic change. Participants will be part of a discussion about the potential, the challenges and action needed to accelerate the transition and scale nature positive food systems. Perspectives from around the world will address challenges and opportunities in implementation, including policies, finance, and knowledge needed to enable sustainable, equitable, and resilient food systems transitions. We will discuss the critical role of coordination and collaboration among governments, intergovernmental organizations, environmental NGOs, academics, and the private sector actors in creating the enabling conditions for producers to protect and restore biodiversity within food production schemes. We will highlight multi-stakeholder collaboration, public-private partnerships, and people-driven activities to accelerate the transition to a more nature-positive, climate-smart agricultural sector.